Friday, July 27, 2012

God's Promises

As my sweet sister left the hospital tonight, this is what she saw over the Cancer Hospital at UNC.

A rainbow:

"When the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and everything living, every last living creature on Earth."
Genesis 9:16

Does anyone else see the cloud shaped like the letter 'S' to the right of the rainbow? Well, I do and it's just another reminder of how awesome our God is! He held me in His hands yesterday as a blanket of prayers from my family and friends covered every inch of me. God is good, all the time and I am forever grateful for your love, support and prayers!

Today was full of naps, physical therapy exercises, and pain meds. I finally felt like eating around lunch time and walked around the 6th floor. I am extremely sore, but was able to tackle my PT exercises and am now catching some of the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics.

Our hope is to be checked out by lunch time tomorrow! Everyone here has been wonderful, but there is no place like home!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."

We celebrate that surgery is over, and when we visited with Suzanne just over an hour ago, we were greeted with that same beautiful smile. She was even having a little apple sauce. She is not in a room yet, but things look good. We appreciate your continual prayers. Jason, Sharron, David and Kelly

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's time to say ta ta...

to the ta-ta's! is scheduled for July 26.  I will get a phone call on the 25th telling me what time to arrive.  I went for my pre-care visit yesterday and everything is set.

I will be having a bilateral mastectomy, a lymph node dissection on my right side only, and then tissue expanders placed by the plastic surgeon.  I will stay in the hospital for two nights and then we will head home to let the healing begin.   

Am I anxious and afraid?  Of course I am and I could let my mind run wild, but instead I choose to keep my faith and trust in the Lord!  He has reminded me in so many ways, sometimes more than once a day, that I don't have to worry about tomorrow, much less surgery a week from today. From phone calls and cards, to devotions and strangers who offer a hug and prayers, I continue to see God at work all around me and I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!

I am claiming and clinging to God's word today and in the days to come. 

"See, God has come to save me!  I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strenghth and song; he is my salvation."      Isaiah 12:2

"O my people, trust him all the time.  Pour our your longings before him, for he can help!"     Psalms 62:8

Dear friends please continue to lift me up, as well as my doctors and my family (because I'll admit, I am not a good patient).

I do promise to be better at keeping you posted after surgery, just disregard anything I say that may be out of character! I hear I'll be getting some pretty good pain meds! :-)